Academy of Distinguished Alumni Innaugural Class

“We began the process by soliciting nominations and after having an outside committee review the nominations, 9 were selected for induction” he explained. The initial class spans the years including; Father Tony Lehmann (Class of ‘46), William French (Class of 1949), Mike Mills (Class of 1959) Thomas Tierney (Class of 1960) David Kilpatrick (Class of 1972), Todd Thomas (Class of 1979), Jason Moore (Class of 1987), Teresa Dunn (Class of 1994), and Alex Berezow (Class of 2000).
The induction ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, October 4, 2014 with an informal coffee gathering at 9:30 a.m. at the Murphysboro Middle School (the old high school to some of the graduates) and a formal dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Murphysboro High School. Tickets for the dinner are on sale ($25) at the District Office located on Ava Road or The First Bank & Trust Company of Murphysboro located on Walnut Street.. The Superintendent said “We expect the evening to be very special. It’s always great when we look at what education has done for individuals and this group covers all areas from Art to Science. We are very proud of their success.”